
Tue Jun/27/2017    
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Oasis Health & Wellness
40 Betty Roman Blvd, Markham
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Looking for more plant based recipes to add to your collection?
Join our PLANT BASED Recipe Swap Party!
Here is how it works

  1. RSVP and let me know if you will be bringing an Appetizer, Entree or Dessert (click here for ideas)
  2. Prepare your favorite plant-based recipe – (preferably wheat free or gluten free)
  3. Bring a copy of your recipe or email it to rita@oasishealth.ca
  4. Enjoy a nice meal, meet new friends and share recipes
  5. Don’t forget to bring a friend!

Tuesday, June 27 – 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm