Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient medical system that takes a deep understanding of the laws and patterns of nature and applies them to the human body.
The classical Chinese explanation of acupuncture is that channels of energy, called Qi, run in regular patterns throughout the body. These channels, called meridians, are like rivers flowing through the body. An obstruction in the movement of these channels cause obstructions which lead to pain.
Needling the acupuncture points can influence the meridians: the acupuncture needles unblock the obstruction and re-establishes the regular flow of Qi or energy through the meridians making it an effective treatment for pain (acute or chronic), digestive issues, fertility issues, headaches, anxiety and depression.
Our Approach
Needles are gently inserted into key areas of the body to help redirect the movement of energy or Qi and bring balance to the body.
Extended Health Benefits
Acupuncture Is Covered By Most Insurance Plans.
We also offer direct insurance billing.